

Terng Chen
A recent global study revealed that in 2020, the average daily time spent consuming content spiked to 6 hours and 59 minutes. One of the main reasons for this surge was the pandemic-driven lockdowns. As the world was brought to a halt, many stayed home and turned to digital content to keep themselves updated and...
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With technology at our fingertips, everything is accessible with the push of a button and free creative apps are no exception. Graphic design has become a crucial skill for the tech-savvy generation, either for leisure or professionally. Naturally, we would want the full spectrum of reputed tools like Adobe or the latest Final Cut Pro....
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Online fatigue has become an everyday struggle with most of us stuck at home for almost a year now. Confining ourselves indoors unexpectedly presents new challenges. However, with discipline and organizational skills, there’s always room for improvement and balance.  While some relish in the little joys of working from home, for most of us, this...
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In every industry, changes are inevitable, and this is no different in the world of Public Relations. While riding through evolving landscapes, companies need to adapt. And, that is why reassessing your strategies from time to time is important. Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to build an adaptable business...
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2020, what a year it has turned out to be! We started the year full of optimism, hoping that the new decade would be better than the last one. Across industries, many were looking forward to new and exciting projects. Sports fans were gearing up for the respective annual and quadrennial tournaments. And, some lucky...
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In this day and age, we live in a world where social media reigns and everything is connected with a push of a button. Gone are the days where we used to rely solely on print media. Companies are cutting costs and going digital and brands are opting for more social media presence. The internet...
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This year has been quite a challenge and businesses are trying to survive amidst global lockdowns and economic slowdowns. Marketing strategies have to constantly evolve with the ever-evolving consumer behaviours and digital disruptions across all sectors. In the post-COVID-19 world, many companies are taking steps to recoup their losses, while some have ceased operations due...
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As social distancing measures keep people apart and at home, businesses are scrambling to find ways to keep their customers engaged. It should come as no surprise that consumers expect complete transparency in uncertain times like these. In fact, a survey done by Kantar of more than 25,000 consumers globally found that 75% say that...
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When it comes to pitches and social media copies, it’s all about keeping your content concise — but short writing doesn’t have to be unmemorable. Twitter is a testament to that: even with its character limit upped to 280, the best posts on the platform are succinct, punchy, and infinitely quotable. How do these posts...
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Your PR strategy must embrace storytelling and include it to achieve the best results. Effective storytelling allows your brand to reach consumers as well as reporters. Your story is the opportunity to create connections with potential clients and convince reporters to cover your brand. However, to achieve those goals with your story, you must know...
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December 2024