
Public relations
When it comes to sharing your brand story, one of the ways is to use a press release newswire or PR newswire, but is that the right choice for your PR strategy?
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Many people who do not work in the communications field don’t fully understand the difference between PR and marketing. While they are two aspects of a company that work for hand in hand and overlap, they are two distinct disciplines.   PR is the process of identifying, anticipating, and managing public opinion. Marketing is the process...
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Yes, we’re guilty. Guilty of using words like ‘new normal’ to describe the current situation or still describing everything as ‘disruptive’ and ‘innovative’. Now, while there’s nothing wrong with those words in general, how we use them makes them the most overused words in PR in Singapore. I specifically call out Singapore, because the most...
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In every industry, changes are inevitable, and this is no different in the world of Public Relations. While riding through evolving landscapes, companies need to adapt. And, that is why reassessing your strategies from time to time is important. Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to build an adaptable business...
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Edward Bernays, one of the most prolific writers in the field of public relations, was a strong proponent of the notion that PR should be categorised as a Science.  The notion evoked a pandemonium of mixed responses, mainly by those who were of the belief that PR is an art form. This happened in the...
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The fine art of writing and pitching a story to impress upon another is often something that PR professionals spend years perfecting through research and relationship building. While there may not be any hard and fast rules, there are some basic do’s and don’ts of writing a media pitch. This article oversees the techniques of...
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As social distancing measures keep people apart and at home, businesses are scrambling to find ways to keep their customers engaged. It should come as no surprise that consumers expect complete transparency in uncertain times like these. In fact, a survey done by Kantar of more than 25,000 consumers globally found that 75% say that...
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When it comes to pitches and social media copies, it’s all about keeping your content concise — but short writing doesn’t have to be unmemorable. Twitter is a testament to that: even with its character limit upped to 280, the best posts on the platform are succinct, punchy, and infinitely quotable. How do these posts...
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Your PR strategy must embrace storytelling and include it to achieve the best results. Effective storytelling allows your brand to reach consumers as well as reporters. Your story is the opportunity to create connections with potential clients and convince reporters to cover your brand. However, to achieve those goals with your story, you must know...
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The very first thing a journalist will see from your email is the subject line. As such, it is your chance to make a strong first impression and get your pitch approved. In fact, a survey from BuzzStream indicates that 85 per cent of publishers will open pitches just based on the subject line. To...
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February 2025