

Public Relations
media alert vs. press release
Media alert vs press release is a comparison that’s a must for any PR executive to understand. Both of these tools play pivotal roles in the PR and marketing world, but it can be tricky at first for beginners to tell media alerts apart from press releases. Being some of the most commonly misunderstood terms...
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influencer marketing campaign
If you run or own a business, small or big, you cannot ignore leveraging an influencer marketing campaign for growth in 2024 and beyond. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerhouse strategy, leveraging social media personalities’ reach and influence to promote products or services. With 61% of consumers relying on...
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media list
PR professionals are responsible for obtaining media coverage for their clients and companies. For PR pros, it is all about getting the story and the brand’s name to the right demographics without spending a fortune on marketing and advertising. The first step in obtaining media coverage is to create a targeted media list. PR professionals...
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social media tools for pr professionals
Should PR professionals care about social media tools? The short answer is yes! Public relations professionals are multitaskers, storytellers, and media gurus. Behind every successful and effective PR professional is an array of tools designed to simplify their work. When we say “PR tool,” we mean any program, technology, or app PR professionals can use...
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TikTok influencers
Should you engage TikTok influencers for your upcoming digital PR campaigns? Traditionally, businesses looking to connect with an audience to build brand presence used physical methods like handing out pamphlets or flyers, to setting up booths at exhibitions, both requiring extensive manpower and financial resources. However, in recent years,  times have changed dramatically, allowing businesses...
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diversity and inclusion in PR
Today, diversity and inclusion in PR matter more than ever before as consumers, especially from younger generations, are becoming more socially conscious about the brands they support. According to a Deloitte survey over half, 57% of consumers say they are more loyal to brands that are committed to addressing inequities in their actions. Even more...
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PR mistakes
As a startup, SME or any kind of business in Singapore, Malaysia or any part of Southeast Asia’s competitive landscape, what are the 5 PR mistakes to avoid in 2024? 2023 is drawing to a close; in just a couple of months, we will welcome a new year! Before we step into 2024, it is...
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guest blogging
What is guest blogging and why is it important? It can be tricky to figure out where to start on improving your website’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), but if you and your team have the capacity to write content and articles, we highly recommend that you look into guest blogging! Guest blogging is a common...
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ethics in PR and content
How important are ethics in PR and content? We often say that words matter, and they do, and because public communication can be powerful and influential, those communicating must adhere to certain ethical guidelines. Any successful relationship, whether it be with clients, partners, investors, media, or community, is built on trust. As a matter of...
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role of CSR in PR
Before we explore the role of CSR in PR, let us understand what corporate social responsibility or CSR actually means. It is a wide term that can manifest itself in various ways depending on the business and industry. In general, CSR is a form of self-regulation done by businesses with the purpose of social accountability...
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July 2024