Public Relations helps a business to expand its audience, reach new customers, and increase awareness of its brand identity. Communication is at the centre of PR, and every business needs to build trust with its audience. As consumers’ wants and needs continue to grow, pervasive PR is the hottest new trend. What is pervasive PR?...Read More
Media convergence is now. Even established brands like Singtel are struggling to find ways to position themselves in the transformed landscape better. As communications, computing, and content intertwine in the Internet Age, the world of marketing and PR has also been affected. Altimeter published a study, coining the term “converged media” to describe a media...Read More
As we enter 2020, the battle for gender equality in the workplace still needs to march on. The Economist’s 2019 Glass Ceiling Index (GCI) suggests that progress for women in the workplace has stalled. Unfortunately, this is in the backdrop of the #MeToo movement. The lack of female representation in top managerial positions still persists...Read More
As 2019 draws to a close, it’s time to look ahead at next year’s PR trends. None of these is brand new, but in 2020 they’ll be more relevant than ever. Now is the best time to start looking ahead and planning for upcoming campaigns. Both technology and social attitudes play a big part in...Read More
Writing for a PR campaign is an art form, but a learnable one. As with any form of writing, you have to bear your audience in mind for PR campaigns as well. In the digital era, the way an audience reads and absorbs information has changed. There’s less emphasis on direct conversation. In the past,...Read More
Generation Z is often referred to as the first generation of truly digital natives. While Millennials have spent most of their adult lives immersed in technology, we have memories of the world before broadband internet and smartphones. Generation Z knows of no other world than what we see right now. So how do we classify...Read More
Today, effective PR is critical to a company’s success. It doesn’t just establish your reputation but also builds consumer trust. Unfortunately, many small businesses assume PR is only for large corporations. But, nothing could be further from the truth. PR plays an important role in the growth and success of all organisations. Most startups set...Read More
It is always better to learn from someone else’s mistakes than your own. Fortunately, for new businesses, there are plenty of failures to learn from. Crisis management is a core part of a successful PR strategy. However, some of the world’s biggest companies have fallen short when it comes to damage control. Below, we’re going...Read More
More often than not, organizations conflate publicity and PR. However, doing so can put companies at a disadvantage. In reality, publicity is just one aspect of PR. Publicity isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s part of a bigger picture. What is the difference between PR and publicity? Publicity is about media presence. At its...Read More
Today, more businesses realise the importance of PR to develop their image and brand potential. Even without a PR professional, you’ll find plenty of tips online to get started. However, while proactive advice is great, you should also be aware of the most common pitfalls. Below, we’ve covered the most common PR mistakes companies make...Read More