

content and brand strategy
By understanding the importance of creating content that aligns with your overall brand strategy, you can effectively communicate your message and achieve your marketing goals. In this article, we explore five key indicators to determine the relevance of content to your brand strategy.
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4 tips on how to increase website conversion rates
We share 4 tips on how to increase website conversion rates for businesses using different strategies and easy steps that all businesses must follow.
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We explore social video marketing and how it can be leveraged for business growth and scalability.
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With this article, we go back to the basics and explore the fundamentals of content marketing.
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In this day and age, we live in a world where social media reigns and everything is connected with a push of a button. Gone are the days where we used to rely solely on print media. Companies are cutting costs and going digital and brands are opting for more social media presence. The internet...
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Daily news articles from online channels assail the collective consciousness of readers like unrelenting armies in battle. Each and every piece of information, similar to the rhythmic marching of soldiers, pounds relentlessly into their heads, demanding attention.  In this digital, fact-saturated world, how can one make their article stand out? What captures the attention of...
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When evaluating the time sensitivity of the content that you create, there are two major categories. Content will either be topical or evergreen. You should always include both categories in your marketing strategy, as each has its ideal purpose. At the most basic level, evergreen content is relevant for a long time while topical content...
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A content calendar is an essential part of your content marketing strategy. The calendar will assist with coordinating all of the content activities and tasks while keeping everyone in the team on the same page. Content calendars help organize tasks in a streamlined manner and help ensure that projects get completed on time. A well-devised...
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There are content resources for everything- from design to blogging, and in this article, we cover some of our top picks that would be useful to startups.
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As a business owner, it doesn’t get much more exciting than launching your brand new website. Well, maybe that’s just us. After months of planning and development, you can finally see the new online face of your business. Even better, you get to share it with your potential customers.   However, web designers’ job scope can...
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September 2024