
October 2019
The internet has no shortage of articles critiquing millennials as the grim reapers of established brands and industries. Are these fair assumptions? Firstly, it’s important to remember that “millennials” are people born between the years 1981 and 1996. This puts them in an age range of 23 – 38 years old. Older than you expected?...
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Writing for a PR campaign is an art form, but a learnable one. As with any form of writing, you have to bear your audience in mind for PR campaigns as well. In the digital era, the way an audience reads and absorbs information has changed. There’s less emphasis on direct conversation. In the past,...
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Generation Z is often referred to as the first generation of truly digital natives. While Millennials have spent most of their adult lives immersed in technology, we have memories of the world before broadband internet and smartphones. Generation Z knows of no other world than what we see right now. So how do we classify...
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One request we get quite often from our startup clients is to help them ideate and create the best startup pitch deck in the world. They want the deck to tell everyone who sees it exactly why and what they should be investing in their startup.  Here’s the harsh reality though, creating a good pitch...
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Today, effective PR is critical to a company’s success. It doesn’t just establish your reputation but also builds consumer trust.  Unfortunately, many small businesses assume PR is only for large corporations. But, nothing could be further from the truth.  PR plays an important role in the growth and success of all organisations. Most startups set...
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October 2019