

The internet has no shortage of articles critiquing millennials as the grim reapers of established brands and industries. Are these fair assumptions? Firstly, it’s important to remember that “millennials” are people born between the years 1981 and 1996. This puts them in an age range of 23 – 38 years old. Older than you expected?...
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Today, effective PR is critical to a company’s success. It doesn’t just establish your reputation but also builds consumer trust.  Unfortunately, many small businesses assume PR is only for large corporations. But, nothing could be further from the truth.  PR plays an important role in the growth and success of all organisations. Most startups set...
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How important is a headline? According to David Ogilvy, the father of advertising, the answer is: very. In fact, he was quoted as saying: “Five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” While the figures...
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I recently spoke to a Malaysian CEO with over 20 years of experience in technology and running multinational brands. We spoke in length about public relations and he felt that it was not a smart decision at the moment, since his new startup was only 18 months old. Despite assurances from me and positive feedback...
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Even if you’re not familiar with the term “call-to-action” – or CTA – you’ve probably seen one today. In fact, you’ve possibly engaged with one this week. In the simplest terms, a CTA is a snippet of content that asks its audience to do something. In a marketing context, a CTA is used to convert...
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In the year 1996, Bill Gates stated: “Content is King.” Such was the title of the essay he published on Microsoft’s website at the time. The digital marketing industry swears by this mantra. Admittedly, it’s current usage is not directly related to Gates’ original point.  In today’s digital era, it relates to how important relevant content...
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The need for businesses to develop a first-rate customer experience is now more vital than ever. An increasingly competitive business landscape means organizations must keep consumers happy or risk competitors gaining an edge. The various interactions between a company and a customer are what defines the customer experience. According to a survey by Gartner, 81%...
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Ethical considerations are nothing new. They have been a stalwart of the industry since their inception in the 1950s. However, the growing influence of the internet and social media has had a significant impact on ethics. This is leading to more significant repercussions for companies who flout ethical considerations. The Journal of Finance found that...
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Most people have heard of a press release, and probably read more than a few. In its purest form, a press release is a written communication from a company or organisation. They provide specific and concise information about a product, event, or circumstance relevant to the company. From a PR perspective, press releases are an...
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When most business owners start developing their brand, their first instinct is to create a perfect website. While a professional website is a great asset, it’s not necessarily the best tool for brand-building. For starters, anyone can commission a website and include whatever content they want on it. These days, the majority of consumers associate...
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October 2024