
PR Trends
The importance of PR resonates with the business community, and especially startups and SMEs that are starting out. A PR strategy is successful when it meets specific objectives– be it of lead generation, media impression or overall brand awareness.  That said, what does it take to build brand awareness? It all depends on which type...
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As 2019 draws to a close, it’s time to look ahead at next year’s PR trends. None of these is brand new, but in 2020 they’ll be more relevant than ever. Now is the best time to start looking ahead and planning for upcoming campaigns. Both technology and social attitudes play a big part in...
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Writing for a PR campaign is an art form, but a learnable one. As with any form of writing, you have to bear your audience in mind for PR campaigns as well. In the digital era, the way an audience reads and absorbs information has changed. There’s less emphasis on direct conversation. In the past,...
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Generation Z is often referred to as the first generation of truly digital natives. While Millennials have spent most of their adult lives immersed in technology, we have memories of the world before broadband internet and smartphones. Generation Z knows of no other world than what we see right now. So how do we classify...
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In the last decade and more doing PR for companies in Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia, one of the biggest takeaways has been that if used correctly, PR is the most effective growth tool available to any brand. Since my early days putting in the hours at the large agencies to my forays...
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Most people have heard of a press release, and probably read more than a few. In its purest form, a press release is a written communication from a company or organisation. They provide specific and concise information about a product, event, or circumstance relevant to the company. From a PR perspective, press releases are an...
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February 2025