Public Relations

Pervasive PR: The significance of the ubiquity of PR

Public Relations helps a business to expand its audience, reach new customers, and increase awareness of its brand identity. Communication…

5 years ago

How are social media influencers changing PR

One of the newest trends in PR and media outreach is influencer marketing. If you’re scratching your head wondering what…

5 years ago

Converged Media 101: What, Why, How

Media convergence is now. Even established brands like Singtel are struggling to find ways to position themselves in the transformed…

5 years ago

Is “women in tech” still a good story angle?

As we enter 2020, the battle for gender equality in the workplace still needs to march on. The Economist’s 2019…

5 years ago

What does consistency mean for successful branding?

This is the right time to revisit existing marketing and branding strategies and set new business goals as we prepare…

5 years ago

Be proactive, not reactive with PR

The importance of PR resonates with the business community, and especially startups and SMEs that are starting out. A PR…

5 years ago

Top PR trends to look out for in 2020

As 2019 draws to a close, it’s time to look ahead at next year’s PR trends. None of these is…

5 years ago

How to market your brand to a millennial audience

The internet has no shortage of articles critiquing millennials as the grim reapers of established brands and industries. Are these…

5 years ago

Writing tips for an effective PR campaign in the digital era

Writing for a PR campaign is an art form, but a learnable one. As with any form of writing, you…

5 years ago

Why PR might be the best way to capture Generation Z

Generation Z is often referred to as the first generation of truly digital natives. While Millennials have spent most of…

5 years ago

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