PR trends for startups in 2023

Public relations is essential for any business in order to connect with its stakeholders and customers, lay the foundation of trust, and demonstrate credibility. Being a PR professional requires one to keep a finger on the pulse of the news, as PR trends and priorities can change quickly with the public’s sentiment. For example, PR trends for startups from 2022 – heavy reliance on digital events and interviews due to the pandemic, efforts on achieving virality through newsjacking, and a preference for mass pitching – have been slowly falling out of favour in 2023 due to the loosening of COVID restrictions, the high risks associated with newsjacking, and mass pitches ending up in spam folders, respectively. 

We examine the top 5 PR trends for startups that experts have been discussing in 2023 to help boost your next campaign.

Pivot from mass pitching to more personalised pitches

Mass pitching has been the default for many PR professionals for one main reason: it increases the chances for the pitch to receive any response when it reaches more people. However, in 2023, experts are more inclined to take a more personalised approach by sending tailored pitches to a smaller number of highly relevant media outlets. This is in an effort to preserve the quality of pitches rather than prioritising the total number of pitch recipients. 

Ideally, this approach allows for a more customised approach as pitches are tailored to each media personnel and outlet. As journalists have their own KPIs to fulfil, they have grown to value personalised pitches more as it saves them time in finding a story that suits their individual interests. In return, your pitch will less likely end up in the spam folder, and you will help your client get their story out to the right audience. 

Learn about mastering the art of concise writing for your next press release.

Authenticity, diversity, and inclusivity matter more than ever

Surrounded by groundbreaking social movements like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, consumers are more aware and vocal about their demands for authenticity, diversity and inclusivity in their favourite brands. Companies are pressured to not only share claims of these values in their campaigns and company hires but to also back their campaigns with active action to solidify their stance and show authentic solidarity. One such example is EY’s effort for more inclusive hiring, specifically in employing neurodiverse individuals and providing the necessary tools and training to ensure higher retention. This initiative aligns perfectly with EY’s tagline – “Building a better working world” – and is a step in the right direction to show its audience the brand’s authenticity and commitment to the cause. 

EY’s programme sets a good example for other companies to follow and improve upon. It is no longer enough to be inclusive for the sake of a DEI policy; with increasing digital literacy, brands are under strict supervision by consumers, and PR experts should embody the values of sincerity and brand authenticity in future campaigns to increase brand loyalty. 

AI and technology impacting PR trends for startups in 2023

In tandem with increasing digital literacy and accessibility, technology like artificial intelligence has also emerged as a disruptive force in the PR industry. With the growing popularity of generative AI like ChatGPT and Bard and its ease of use, PR professionals around the world are more open to discovering how AI can be used to improve upon PR processes, not as a way to replace their workforce entirely, but as an enhancement to existing procedures and protocols. This includes tasks like content ideation, development, providing analytics and insights, as well as assisting in repetitive tasks and workflows.

Approximately 33% of PR professionals globally are planning to explore AI tools as of April 2023, and 28% have reportedly been using AI tools in their daily processes. While there is still a lot to learn about the benefits of AI in PR, PR practitioners are encouraged to explore the possibilities of workflow improvements with AI as this will be among the top PR trends for startups in 2023 and beyond.

The return to normalcy and in-person interviews

Among emerging PR trends for startups to look forward to, one significant trend is the comeback of in-person events, interviews, and interactions. Although virtual events and interviews have their benefits, the world is now ready to return to face-to-face interactions as a default. PR professionals will receive more in-person interview requests from journalists and reporters due to a number of advantages and insights it can provide, such as verbal and non-verbal cues, decreased distractions, and a more rich and engaged conversation.

On top of that, building rapport and developing trust is much more effective in person. Nevertheless, virtual interviews will remain a solid option for a more flexible option, particularly for whom in-person interviews will not be possible.

Contributed articles on the rise, among top PR trends for startups

As the public pivot to different news sources in the digital age, news outlets especially traditional newspapers have been taking a hit on their employment rates, causing a change in strategies in content management and demand. While the newsroom in the US has seen a 26% reduction in its workforce since 2008, media outlets in general still see a steady incline in content demand. To combat this issue, newsrooms and media agencies will rely on contributed articles to satisfy the demand to make up for their reduced workforce.

PR professionals should take this opportunity to help clients establish themselves as thought leaders in the subject matter and build a good reputation in the industry, as contributed articles are an excellent way to do so. 

Find out how to craft an effective PR strategy on a budget.

While PR trends for startups come and go, in order to tell a story effectively through any unpredictable and turbulent changes, a true PR professional should never forget the essentials of a good PR campaign: understand the target audience, set realistic goals, and create a clear and tailored message, which can then be supplemented with relevant trends and current events based on their target audience.

To get ahead in the competition, PR professionals must stay dynamic and open to leveraging trends and technology. Consider these 5 PR trends for startups and see which of them can be incorporated into your next campaigns to boost your reach and solidify your brand presence. Contact us at hello(@) to learn more.


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